Monoclonal Antibodies

Showing all 44 results

SKUDescriptionSubclassPropertiesSpecificityPriceAdd To Cart
ABV-5103Anti-Bovine Factor VIgG1Not inhibitoryBovine factor V, epitope on the 120,000 activation peptide of bovine factor V, 205,000 activation intermediate of bovine factor V. Does not react with mouse factor Va via Western blot.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: ABV-5103 Category:
ABV-5104Anti-Bovine Factor VIgG1InhibitoryBovine factor Va heavy chain, weakly with intact bovine factor V.  Does not react with mouse factor Va via Western blot.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: ABV-5104 Category:
ABV-5105Anti-Bovine Factor VIgG1Not inhibitoryBovine factor Va light chain, bovine factor V in the absence of calcium.  Does not react with murine factor V (Western blot on mouse plasma).$135.00/100 µg


SKU: ABV-5105 Category:
ABV-5106Anti-Bovine Factor VIgG1Not inhibitoryBovine factor Va heavy chain, weakly with intact bovine factor V.  Does not recognize murine factor V via Western blot on plasma samples.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: ABV-5106 Category:
ABV-5107Anti-Bovine Factor VIgG1Not inhibitoryBovine factor Va light chain, bovine factor V$135.00/100 µg


SKU: ABV-5107 Category:
ABX-5051Anti-Bovine Factor XIgG1Inhibitory in clotting assay (APTT and PT), partial calcium dependenceHeavy chain of factor X and Xa (reactive toward human, bovine, rabbit, sheep, porcine and canine factor X), BEGRck factor Xa. Does not recognize murine X (via Western blot).$132.00/100 µg


SKU: ABX-5051 Category:
ABOC-5021Anti-Bovine OsteocalcinIgG1Not inhibitoryHuman and bovine bone osteocalcin$135.00/100 µg


SKU: ABOC-5021 Category:
AHIX-5041Anti-Human Factor IXIgG1Inhibitory (in aPTT assay)Human factor IX, human factor IXa, heavy chain of human factor IX and IXa.  Does not recognize murine factor IX via Western blot on plasma.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHIX-5041 Category:
AHV-5101Anti-Human Factor VIgG1Inhibitory in clotting assay. See reference here (paste in address bar): chain of Human FV, Human FV, Human FVA, Bovine FV$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHV-5101 Category:
AHV-5102Anti-Human Factor V antibodyIgGNot inhibitoryActivation peptide (120,000 Da) of Human FV; does not recognize bovine/murine FV via Western blot$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHV-5102 Category:
AHV-5108Anti-Human Factor V antibodyIgGNot inhibitoryHuman factor V and Va, light chain (fragment E, 74,000) of factor Va.  Does not recognize murine factor V via Western blot.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHV-5108 Category:
AHV-5110Anti-Human Factor V antibodyIgG1Not inhibitory120,000 dalton activation peptide of human factor V.  Does not recognize murine factor Va via Western blot.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHV-5110 Category:
AHV-5112Anti-Human Factor V antibodyIgG1Not inhibitoryHuman factor Va light chain (fragment E, 74,000). Does not react with factor V.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHV-5112 Category:
AHV-5146Anti-Human Factor V antibodyIgGNot inhibitoryHuman factor V and Va, heavy chain (fragment D, 94,000) of factor Va.  Does not react with mouse factor Va via Western blot.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHV-5146 Category:
AHVII-5031Anti-Human Factor VIIIgG1Not inhibitoryHuman factor VII, factor VIIa, BFPRck factor VIIa.  Does not recognize murine or porcine VII via Western blot on plasma samples.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHVII-5031 Category:
AHVIII-5025Anti-Human Factor VIIIIgG1Not inhibitoryHuman factor VIII light chain$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHVIII-5025 Category:
AHX-5050Anti-Human Factor XIgG1Inhibits PT, prothrombinase and partially APTT, but not amidase activity.Heavy chains of human factors Xa and X; does not bind bovine factor X or BEGRck-Xa. Does not recognize murine or porcine X via Western blot.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHX-5050 Category:
AHXI-5061Anti-Human Factor XIIgGInhibitory in clotting assay (aPTT)Human factor XI, 125I-factor XI, Human factor XIa, BEGRck-factor XIa  Does not recognize murine factor XI (Western blot on plasma).$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHXI-5061 Category:
AHXII-5155Anti-Human Factor XIIIgG1Not inhibitoryHuman factor XII$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHXII-5155 Category:
AON-5031Anti-Human OsteonectinIgG1Not determinedHuman, rat and bovine bone osteonectin, human platelet osteonectin.  Cross reacts with mouse osteonectin analyzed by immunohistochemistry.$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AON-5031 Category:
AHPC-5071Anti-Human Protein CIgG1Not inhibitoryHuman protein C and activated protein C  Does not recognize murine protein C (Western blot).$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHPC-5071 Category:
AHPC-5072Anti-Human Protein CIgG2bNot inhibitoryHuman protein C.  Does not recognize murine protein C (Western blot).$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHPC-5072 Category:
AHPC-5011Anti-Human Protein CIgG1Not determinedHuman protein C and activated protein C  Does not recognize murine protein C (Western blot).$88.00/100 µg


SKU: AHPC-5011 Category:
AHPS-5092Anti-Human Protein SIgG1Not inhibitoryHuman protein S$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHPS-5092 Category:
AHPS-5091Anti-Human Protein SIgG2bNot inhibitoryHuman protein S and protein S/C4BP complex$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHPS-5091 Category:
AHP-5013Anti-Human ProthrombinIgG2aInhibits clotting and prothrombin activationHuman prothrombin, prethrombin-1, fragment 2, fragment 1.2, meizothrombin.  Does not recognize murine thrombin (Western blot).$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHP-5013 Category:
AHTAFI-5024Anti-Human TAFIIgG1Inhibits TAFI activation. Inhibits activated TAFIHuman TAFI and activated TAFI$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHTAFI-5024 Category:
AHTAFI-5065Anti-Human TAFI$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHTAFI-5065 Categories: ,
AHTAFI-5081Anti-Human TAFIIgG2bNon-inhibitoryHuman TAFI$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHTAFI-5081 Category:
AHTAFI-5026Anti-Human TAFIIgG1Inhibits TAFI activation. Does not inhibit activated TAFI.Human TAFI$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHTAFI-5026 Category:
AHT-5020Anti-Human ThrombinIgG1Inhibits clotting but not amidase activityHuman thrombin, thrombin-ATIII complex, thrombin-PPACK.  Recognizes murine thrombin (Western blot)$135.00/100 µg


SKU: AHT-5020 Category:
AHTF-5264Anti-Human Tissue FactorIgGNot inhibitoryHuman tissue factor.  Does not react with murine TF$135.00/100 ug


SKU: AHTF-5264 Category:
AHTFPI-5138Anti-Human Tissue Factor Pathway InhibitorIgGNot inhibitoryHuman Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor$135.00/100 ug


SKU: AHTFPI-5138 Category:
AMIXA-9041Anti-Mouse Factor IXAUnknownDoes not inhibit aPTTMouse factor IX and IXa$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMIXA-9041 Category:
AMIXA-9042Anti-Mouse Factor IXAUnknownDoes not inhibit aPTTMouse factor IX and IXa$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMIXA-9042 Category:
AMVII-9031Anti-Mouse Factor VIIUnknownDoes not inhibit PTRecombinant mouse factor VII and VIIa (non-reduced only).  Native mouse factor VII (non-reduced only). Not determined for mouse VIIa. Does not react with human VII/VIIa.$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMVII-9031 Category:
AMVIII-9035Anti-Mouse Factor VIIIUnknownDoes not inhibit aPTTRecombinant mouse factor VIII.  Not data for native mouse factor VIII.$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMVIII-9035 Category:
AMX-9050Anti-Mouse Factor XUnknownDoes not inhibit PTMouse factor X (heavy chain), mouse factor Xa (heavy chain), human factor X/Xa (blot)$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMX-9050 Category:
AMX-9051Anti-Mouse Factor XUnknownDoes not inhibit PTMouse factor X heavy chain.  Does not react with mouse Xa or human X/Xa (blot)$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMX-9051 Category:
AMPG-9130Anti-Mouse PlasminogenUnknownNot determinedMouse plasminogen and plasmin. Does NOT cross react with human or bovine plasminogen.$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMPG-9130 Category:
AMPC-9071Anti-Mouse Protein CUnknownInhibits protein C activation in rabbit thrombomodulin and Protac assays.  Does not inhibit aPTT.Mouse protein C, but not aPC.  Does not cross react with human protein C.$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMPC-9071 Category:
AMPC-9072Anti-Mouse Protein CUnknownNot inhibitory in aPTTRefer to applications.$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMPC-9072 Category:
AMP-9013Anti-Mouse ProthrombinUnknownNot determinedMouse prothrombin.  Does not recognize mouse thrombin.$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMP-9013 Category:
AMVII-9032Rat anti-mouse Factor VII$269.00/100 µg


SKU: AMVII-9032 Categories: ,
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