Prothrombin and Fragments

Domain Structure of Prothrombin
The domain structure of prothrombin is represented, where: GLA = region containing γ-carboxyglutamic acid residues, KRINGLE = regions of internal sequence homology, CATALYTIC DOMAIN = region containing the serine protease catalytic triad. Arrows indicate the sites which are proteolytically cleaved by factor Xa during activation of the zymogen.

Showing all 6 results

  • Human Prethrombin-1


    Size 1 mg
    Formulation 50% glycerol/water (v/v)
    Storage -20°C
    Shelf Life 12 months
    Purity >95% by SDS-PAGE
    Activity Determination N/A
  • Human Prethrombin-2


    Size 1 mg
    Formulation 50% glycerol/water (v/v)
    Storage -20°C
    Shelf Life 12 months
    Purity >95% by SDS-PAGE
    Activity Determination N/A
  • Human Prothrombin


    Size 2 mg
    Formulation 50% glycerol/water (v/v)
    Storage -20°C
    Shelf Life 12 months
    Purity >95% by SDS-PAGE
    Activity Determination Clotting assay
  • Human Prothrombin Fragment 1


    Size 1 mg
    Formulation 50% glycerol/water (v/v)
    Storage -20°C
    Shelf Life 12 months
    Purity >95% by SDS-PAGE
    Activity Determination N/A
  • Human Prothrombin Fragment 1.2


    Size 1 mg
    Formulation 50% glycerol/water (v/v)
    Storage -20°C
    Shelf Life 12 months
    Purity >95% by SDS-PAGE
    Activity Determination N/A
  • Human Prothrombin Fragment 2


    Size 1 mg
    Formulation 50% glycerol/water (v/v)
    Storage -20°C
    Shelf Life 12 months
    Purity >95% by SDS-PAGE
    Activity Determination N/A

Prothrombin is a vitamin K-dependent plasma protein which is synthesized in the liver (1). Prior to secretion into plasma, prothrombin undergoes post-translational modification by a vitamin K-dependent carboxylase which converts ten specific glutamic acid residues to γ-carboxyglutamic acid (gla). The ten gla residues are located within the first 40 amino acids of the mature protein and contribute to the ability of prothrombin to bind to negatively charged phospholipid membranes. Prothrombin contains two regions of internal homology which are referred to as “kringle” structures. These regions of conspicuous secondary structure are located between residues 40 and 270 of the mature plasma protein and replace the growth factor domains found in several other plasma serine proteases. Thus far, no function has been ascribed to these regions, but there is suspicion that they may play a role in one of several binary protein interactions involving prothrombin. The mature single chain protein circulates in plasma as a zymogen and, during coagulation, is proteolytically activated to the potent serine protease α-thrombin. This proteolysis is catalyzed by the prothrombinase enzyme complex. During activation, prothrombin is cleaved at Arg271-Thr272 (human) / Arg273-Thr274 (bovine) and at Arg320-Ser321 (human) / Arg323-Ser324 (bovine) to a “pro” fragment (fragment 1.2) and thrombin, the latter of which is composed of two chains covalently linked by a disulfide bond. In the case of human prothrombin/thrombin, there is an additional thrombin feed-back cleavage at Arg284-Thr285 resulting in an additional 13 amino acids being removed from the mature thrombin “A” chain.

Human prothrombin is prepared from fresh frozen human plasma as described by Bajaj and coworkers (2). Bovine prothrombin is prepared from fresh bovine plasma using a modification of the procedure described by Owen and coworkers (3). Purified prothrombin is supplied in 50% (vol/vol) glycerol/H2O and should be stored at -20oC. Purity is determined by SDS-PAGE analysis, and activity is measured by clotting and/or chromogenic substrate assay, following conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.

Sample gel image
GelNovex 4-12% Bis-Tris
Load1 µg per lane; purified human prothrombin
StandardSeeBluePlus 2; Myosin (191 kDa), Phosphorylase B (97 kDa), BSA (64 kDa), Glutamic Dehydrogenase (51 kDa), Alcohol Dehydrogenase (39 kDa), Carbonic Anhydrase (28 kDa), Myoglobin Red (19 kDa), Lysozyme (14 kDa)
Plasma concentration100 µg/ml (1)
Molecular weight72,000 (1,4,5).
Prothrombin Fragment 1 – 21,700
Prothrombin Fragment 2 – 12,866
Prothrombin Fragment 1.2 – 34,566
Prethrombin Fragement 1 – 49,900
Prethrombin Fragment 2 – 37,580
Extinction coefficient
1 %
1 c m, 280 nm
13.8 (human) (4)
14.4 (bovine) (1)
Isoelectric point4.7-4.9 (human) (6)
4.4-4.9 (bovine) (6)
Structuresingle chain, NH2-terminal gla domain, two kringle regions
Percent carbohydrate8.2 % (human) (4)
10.0 % (bovine) (5)
Post-translational modificationsten gla residues (4,5)
  1. Mann, K.G., et al., Methods in Enzymology, 45, 156 (1976).
  2. Bajaj, S.P., et al., Prep. Biochem., 11, 397 (1981).
  3. Owen, W.G., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 249, 594 (1974).
  4. Kisiel, W., et al., Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 304, 103 (1973).
  5. Magnusson, S., et al., In Proteases in Biological Control, ed. E. Reich, D.B. Rifkin, E. Shaw, pp. 123-149. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, 1975.
  6. Discipio, R.G., et al., Biochemistry, 18, 899 (1979).
  1. Krarup A, Wallis R, Presanis JS, Ga´l P, Sim RB (2007) Simultaneous Activation of Complement and Coagulation by MBL-Associated Serine Protease 2. PLoS ONE 2(7): e623. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000623

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